Category Archives: Roy, Ryan

Book Review: “Be the Dad You Wish You Had” by Ryan Roy

be the dad you wish you had

Goodreads Description:  This book was created to overcome your fear of becoming a new dad, there is no reason to worry, and you are enough. Whether you come from a broken home; a dysfunctional home or even a good home, your Parenting Fear is real.
• Will I be a good dad?
• Do I make enough money to support my family?
• Is my life over?
The answer to these questions is:
• Yes, you will be a great dad!
• You make enough money, children do not care how much you money you make, they care about the time you spend with them.
• Your life is not over. Your amazing life as a new parent has just begun.
This book gives you 40 lessons on HOW to Be The Dad You Wish You Had.
The book is designed with the new dad in mind. However, parents at any stage can benefit from the lessons. It covers things as simple as changing a diaper, sleeping arrangements for infants; and creating routines that your child can depend on; to creating family traditions that will leave lasting memories of their childhood for a lifetime.

Ryan Roy had a great idea when he decided to write his first book:  “Be the Dad You Wish You Had”.  Drawing on his own life experience, prior to becoming a father, and as a father of two young boys; Ryan Roy has given fathers his insight into 40 lessons all Dads could benefit from.  The lessons are practical and insightful.  Whether you are a soon-to-be father, a new father, or a father of many years, Ryan Roy’s book needs to be on your bookshelf – not just collecting dust, but one you reach for time and time again.

As I reflect on Ryan Roy’s book, it brings me joy – joy that a young father desired to share his wisdom with the reading public – and did just that.

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Filed under Blog, Book Review, Instructional, Parenting, Review, Roy, Ryan